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Interviews & Broadcast Media
Glaxstar Chairman, Mr Andrew Sparrow is available for broadcast and editorial interview. Please call or email [email protected]
Andrew Sparrow is chairman of the Birmingham press club. As national award winning principle
of leading UK electronic communication law firm Lecote Solicitors, Andrew has appeared in over twenty TV video productions on commercial law and has featured on over 700 occasions in print media and TV and radio over the last 8 years.
He is author of four books on legal issues, three of them on the law of e commerce including the Financial Times book E Commerce and the Law which carries a Foreword by Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade & Industry. His books are published in China and the United States.
Glaxstar - Latest News
January 2004
Sponsors of IDM Lecture 2005
Glaxstar are honoured to have been invited to be sole sponsor of the 2005 Institute of Direct Marketing (IDM) Annual Lecture.
The lecture is to be given by Baroness Susan Greenfield who has held research fellowships in the Department of Physiology, Oxford, the College de France, Paris, and NYU Medical Center, New York. She has been awarded 25 Honorary Degrees from British and Australian universities and in 1996 became Professor of Synaptic Pharmacology. Currently a Senior Research Fellow at Lincoln College, and an Honorary Fellow at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, she was appointed Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1998, a post she holds jointly with her chair in Oxford, where she heads a multi-disciplinary research group exploring novel brain mechanisms linked to neurodegeneration.
The lecture will give a unique insight into how people are likely to evolve over the next few years as new technologies change they way in which society interacts.
December 2004
Pilot Sign Up Success
Glaxstar had over 450 children signed up in December 2004 to take part in OwnAreaKIDS pilot starting at the end of January 2005 with their parents.
Robert Hupperdine, Marketing Director of Glaxstar said, "We've been delighted by this response from Parents who have signed up in such a short period.
We are grateful to our local UK Midlands press in particular The Birmingham Post for getting behind us and reporting our call to Parents.
There’s still time to sign up to the OwnArea KIDS pilot, don’t forget if you take part you will get to use your OwnArea accounts for free forever”
November 2004
Its official OwnAreaKIDS is Cool this Yule!
School gives Glaxstar the Green light
Local children at Cheslyn Hay Primary School gave Internet Adventure with OwnAreaKIDS accounts the thumbs up this month after spending the evening demonstrating it to parents at the School Christmas Fayre.
Martin Tibbetts, headmaster of Cheslyn Hay Primary School has arranged with Glaxstar to officially pilot OwnArea Schools version on all their computers during the first quarter of 2005.
Ian Hayward, Managing Director Glaxstar Limited said, "The kids love Internet Adventurer and want to use it instead of Internet Explorer which means its going to be much easier for the school to deliver real web protection to their pupils.
Kids also say that the free safe messaging system within the browser is the coolest thing they’ve ever seen, and as only pupils of the school can use the messaging system within the browser account its the first real safe chat system out there too.
Moreover, they can’t believe they can still use it at home for free too, just think of all the text messaging costs parents will save with their children talking to friends through Internet Adventurer using OwnArea school accounts instead of texting.
Mr Tibbetts is a particularly special headmaster being very experienced in technology , the school is a flagship IT school with it’s own online magazine called Knock Out News produced and edited by the children.
Glaxstar are proud to be working with the school and believe it is a matter of time now until everyone realises how simply effective our new technology is and we're looking forward to 2005 being the year the nonsense stops and kids get the real protection from the web they deserve "
4th October 2004
Glaxstar founder voted in top 100 UK Internet People.
Glaxstar Founder and Managing Director Ian Hayward is to be recognised for his personal contribution to the Internet.
Ian Hayward, founder of Glaxstar, is one of 100 individuals to be recognised for his contribution to the development of the Internet, in an industry wide poll conducted by NOP World and e-consultancy, backed by the DTI and The Rt. Honourable Patricia
UK Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
The award celebrates the first decade of the Internet in
individuals for their input and influence on the growth of e-commerce and the Internet
those who
go unnoticed behind the
Individuals were nominated by 25,000 industry wide
and over 600 names made it to the nominated list. The top 100 nominations are invited to attend 'An Internet Decade' event to be held in London on the 7th October.
Ian said, "It's feels nice to be recognised as amongst the top 100 people making a difference in helping the Internet evolve, I
the next 10 years will make the previous decade look like we've
still. The Internet is due to enter it's teenage years now and I'm looking forward to it reaching
as a medium while ironing out some of the more
elements like the research that shows that 1 in 5 children are being exposed to harmful content each and every day without their parents knowing anything about it. My invention called OwnAreaKIDS is set to solve this problem, no-one so far has had the courage to tackle these problems head on, watch this space & Just imagine!"
October 2004

Mustard Awards
Most innovative business
Glaxstar Ltd have won the 2004 Black Country Mustard Award for Most Innovative Business.
Glaxstar MD, Ian Hayward says, "It's great to receive this recognition during our start up period from such a respected organisation as mustard.uk.com
I know competition was tough for this award, our region has always been a pool of innovation.
We are pleased that our aims to provide effective protection to children on the Internet has met with such enthusiasm from the Midlands region."

Pictured :
Ian Hayward (36) Founder & MD of Glaxstar Ltd
"As a Father of two young children I was determined to invent a solution that 100% protects kids from harmful content on the web without limiting their ability to adventure online.""
September 2004
UK Midland Police Authority
helps OwnAreaKIDS pilot
South Staffordshire Police Authority have granted official authorisation for Police officers and employees to take part in personal pilots of OwnAreaKIDS Internet accounts with their families.
"We would like to thank South Staffordshire Police for their kind assistance in granting permission for their division to participate in the OwnArea KIDS pilot programme. The aim of the pilot is to enable Glaxstar to technically load test it's Internet servers under real conditions prior to a roll out offer to BT broadband customers in the new year "
Andrew Sparrow - Chairman Glaxstar Ltd (Principal Lawyer, Lecote Solicitors)
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